So how did this revengeful act get started. Well the rules to the game are as follows:
1. The fiance, Jeff was asked 25 questions about me. Each person asks me a question that Jeff was asked. I have to answer what I thought Jeff answered even if its not right.
2. If I get the answer right I get one of the gift bags full of prizes that girls do before bedtime.
3. If I get the answer wrong, I have to stick a piece of bubbeyum in my mouth and forfeit the prize to the person who asked me the question.
So it seems so simple right, I mean Jeff and I were engaged and he should know a lot about me right? Oh no, I think maybe we should have re-thought this marriage thing because you know he only got 5 answers right... or rather I only got 5 answers right. No matter how you look at it... apparently we didn't know each other. Go figure since its only been 3 months since we met.
So I ended up with 18 wads of gum in my mouth!! Oh wow!! So this pic is of me dry heaving and gagging on the gum. Sugar was seeping down the back of my throat and I was drooling.. It was awful! Hilarious! and really fun!
Let us take a look at some of these questions that got Jeff in a lot of trouble with me!!! Question # 20. "What is the most embarrassing thing Candice has ever done?" of course I answer correctly which by the way Jeff knew because well I told him this story a few weeks earlier. So the correct answer was when I was climbing over a fence at an apartment complex to break into the pool when I was a teenager with some friends and I looked over at Todd and said "Don't look at my fat rolls" and then I fell over the fence and blacked out for a few seconds. When I woke up, I was dangling there upside down with my legs all twisted up and everyone was laughing too hard to come and help me down...
...Now what does Jeff answer with... "when she went running naked through the streets.." WHAT?!?! Not even!!! I told him of a dare when I was 12 that my friend, Alisha and my sister dared me to do in the middle of the night and I barely ran to the end of the driveway and then back.... So now, all of my friends are hearing this at the table along with my mom who is wondering what other teenage secrets I'm harboring.
So then Question # 24 was "What does Candice wear to bed to sleep in?" so I answer just a T-shirt.... and what does my beloved fiance tell my friends and mother.... oh yes he states "NOTHING". So with my living with him while we were stuck in a hurricane... um.. yeah you can only imagine what everyone is thinking... including again my mother... I would definitely say that he is in big trouble!!!
At this point, I had so much gum in my mouth I refused to put any more in so this is Debra shoving it in for me. Revenge I tell you!! That is what I'm seeking!
So below is the wad of gum. Now it may not look huge in this pic but you try sticking it in your mouth.
Prize opening time... what does Taylee win?? Well I shall tell you... she wins one of those Harlequin novels. Look at Taylee's face... she must be reading this before bed every night and don't worry about her because the prize came with chocolate too! :) It reminds me of the episode of Friends when Joey finds one of those books under Rachel's bed and tells her she is reading Porn.... too funny!
Somehow by coincidence only, the only friend I had there that has never worked at Basic Research won the one gift that had our company's products in it.. Charise thought this was way too hilarious.. Look at her...
A quick thank you to my two wonderful hosts: Debbie Blair and my sister, Jeni! And to the mother of the bride since she paid for the wedding!
Just a few more pics:
Your bridal shower was so fun! Thanks for inviting us to all of the wedding preludes & reception. Congrat!
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