Monday, October 20, 2008

Re-Creating Childhood Fitness & oh yeah, Jeni is a Moron

So before we get into our childhood recreation... lets discuss my lovely sister, Jeni. I love her to death but sometimes she is an idiot. She gave Jeff and I this really nice camera that she didn't want which happened to be way better than the one I had. But she told me there happened to be a flaw with it. The screen on the camera showed the pics as a bit blurry but she didn't think they would actually come out blurry when the actual picture was printed. So we decided to use the camera this weekend. We shot the below videos but to our surprise when we uploaded them on the computer the video was in fact blurry as you can see below..... We were totally disappointed!!! But then an amazing thing happened.... I couldn't believe my eyes and then Jeff and I both looked at each other and burst out laughing at our stupidity for listening to Jeni.... Jeff had wiped the smudge off the window of the camera and the blurriness went away!!!!

So Jeni--- I love you but you're a moron! ;)

Last weekend Jeff and I went to the park with Nala to have a picnic under a tree and relax together. After eating a very good meal cooked by moi, we decided to walk Nala along a path and found these exercise stops along the way... so we decided to do each one we came across.... but let me bring you to the end video which is my favorite... the Monkey Bars... let me ask you this... Do you think you can do it just as well as a small child can?? Watch and enjoy...

The Narration

Push ups...

Jeff didn't actually tell me I was doing this one wrong... So I have come to the conclusion that it really is a slide.

Balance Beam Backwards....

Pull Ups... yeah right.

Knee Ups?

And finally the dreaded Monkey Bars..... This is so frightening!

Needless to say, I was sore for a day or so after doing this and I gritted my teeth for the camera to get to the second bar because the first time I did I couldn't get past the first bar... oh it was so sad!! I'm proud to say that on Wednesday Jeff and I did a 2 mile run to the park together and I redid all of these to complete them and made it all the way across the monkey bars.. It was such a relief!!!!! I want muscles like little kids... Adulthood sucks!


Neiko said...

Sounds like fun - at least you got our exercise, right?

Ammon and Tasha said...

Oh that camera story is hilarious! I would have done something like that! Yah little kids suck dont you think? they have a lot more endurance than us and make things look so easy like the monkey bars! :)