Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving with the Hawkins Family among other updates

Its been an wonderful last two weeks with Faith. She is getting so big and it makes me sad to think she is not as small as she once was. I love her so much its hard to think of my life before her. Jeff's family came out for Thanksgiving and she of course got to meet a lot of her relatives. Here she is with her Great Grandma Curtis on her 88th Birthday. Although neither one looks happy in this photo.
It was such a pleasure to have everyone get together. I was sad that Marcus and Jon and their families couldn't make it! But Thanksgiving dinner turned out really great. It wasn't stressful at all and I have officially had my first Thanksgiving where I hosted out of the way. I have to give credit to Mom and Dad Hawkins though because they really helped cook a lot. We were basically done with all the prep work by noon and then got to enjoy each other's company until we ate at 5pm.

We celebrated our nephew's birthday a month early so his birthday is seperated from Christmas since its a couple days before the holiday. I can't believe he is two years old now. Where does the time fly?

Faith is in love with her Aunt Christina. She spent a lot of time smiling at her and wouldn't stop. I loved it! What an adorable little girl! It was nice to have so much help from everyone although Faith's schedule was completely chaotic those few days as she was dragged everywhere and didn't seem to want to sleep with everything going on. Poor Christina was such a big help to me but I kept asking her to get me things as I was so tied down with Faith. I love that girl! Thanks Christina!

Jeff decided to feed Faith and she apparently decided she could do it on her own as she kept grabbing the bottle as though she was actually doing it herself. Too bad the color of her formula is a tannish brown with the prune juice I'm forced to give her for her constipation. Poor baby!

You have to love being mesmerized by Baby Einstein! Both Christina and Faith were watching it. Its amazing that such a young baby will watch these programs. And as an adult I must say I find it quite relaxing!

 I love the G Diapers we bought for Faith. Not only are they wonderful for the environment as we can flush them and they will biodegrade in 100 days but she looks so cute in them!!! Who wants a white disposable diaper when you have cute little pink bottoms!!! And doesn't my husband look so adorable in this photo? I think so!!
 Faith's first full day at church was wonderful. She slept through the whole thing so Mom and Dad could teach class. She has been such a good baby. She doesn't really cry a lot and does really well when I take her out places. She sleeps through the noise too and I love that about her!
Now I am watching Einstein with her!

Thanksgiving weekend with the Hawkins family was really nice. I'm a chatter bug and loved sitting around chit chatting with everyone. But Jeff on the other hand is not quite so chatty. This is all he did while his family was in town...
                                                   X-Box and Call of Duty-- how I hate you!

The Uncles and Daddy seem to really like Faith!

Faith seems to like the bouncer and the vibrations it gives. It really relaxes her!

 Her cousin Gavin and T-Bo are inspecting her. I hope she stays this small forever!!! How sad when they grow up even though its fun to watch all their progress. I was so proud of her when she held her head up on her own for a full minute at four weeks! It was the highlight of my week!
Faith loves taking her baths and we love to watch her "swim" at the end of it. She always seems so relaxed as she just floats there and we push her around in the water. I think its much more fun than just getting washed and have water splashed on you. Sometimes she will cry because she wants to be held and the moment we put her in the water to float around she instantly becomes quiet. This routine at night is followed by her baby rubs with lotion. She likes to have us apply the lotion on her arms.. but not so much the stomach or arms.

                This is Faith smiling at Christina!                        
After everyone had left and gone back home Jeff decided to put Faith on the couch with him so he could play with her there. She was swallowed up by our big couches however but looked so darn cute!


The Eds said...

You picked out good ones...I like the couches. Glad Thanksgiving went well. Sadly we are still battling the pukes/poops (rotavirus)at my house. She still looks so tiny but adorable.