Monday, November 15, 2010

My Baby is a Month Old!

I can't believe its been exactly one month to the day that my beautiful baby girl was born. It seems like only yesterday I was having new mommy syndrome scares and was getting re-adjusted to our new life with her. Now I seem to know what she likes and her schedule is starting to come together. She has finally decided to allow her nights and days to correct themselves and I am now getting more sleep than before. At her 3 week appointment we discovered she was only 8 lbs 2 oz. She hadn't gained back her birth weight which was so scary for me. I knew that something was wrong when she would cry a bit and constantly want to eat all the time. I felt like I didn't have enough to give her but then thought maybe I was crazy and having another "new mommy scare". But after doing my own research and seeing a lactaion consultant we discovered that I do not produce enough milk for her mainly because of my breast reduction I had back in 2006. I was heartbroken but am now adjusting to being able to breast feed her at first and then just supplement with a bottle afterwards. At least I can give her some and I still get my "bonding" time.                                                        
 Bath time with Faith is a blast for all three of us. We let her "swim" after she is all clean. She seems to really love to float in the water as we hold her head up. Her faces are just so darn cute. A few days ago while Jeff was working late I undressed her to get her ready for her bath and we keep a heater going in the room. All of a sudden I thought... wow that is really warm and looked down to my daughter peeing all over my lap!! I busted out laughing. It was just perfect timing for her to "get" her mommy. However tonight had to be the funniest. Her dad had finished bathing her and I was just sitting on the side of the tub observing the fun. He had her wrapped up in a towel when all of a sudden he yelled "Whoa". I thought she had pooped on him from the prune juice we had to give her earlier. (Unfortunately, supplementing formula has caused some constipation in our little princess). So I asked him if she pooped and he said no, "She just peed on me!" I burst out laughing again and then Jeff started laughing. I guess Faith thinks it must be fun to do during our bath adventures.
 The other morning Jeff was laying down with her in bed and talking to her. She all of a sudden started smiling. I thought it must have been gas but she kept doing it... I had noticed a few smiles before but just brushed them off. Then one day after her bath, I was talking to her and told her I was a little sad and not having the best day but it would be better if she would smile at me. Of course I am speaking to her in the best baby voice I could muster and then about 10 or 15 seconds later... a smile appeared on her face with a little dimple on her right cheek. Oh I loved it! If it was just gas ... I don't care.. I will take the smile as something just for me!
 Faith's first whole day at church was spent today and she did so wonderful. I expected her to cry at some point but she didn't. She fell asleep shortly after sacrament began and stayed asleep the whole time. I was sitting with my class of 4 and 5 year olds when they began to sing very loudly "Popcorn Popping" and it was more yelling than singing. I began to laugh and looked at Jeff because Faith made this scrunched up face as if she wanted to say "Would u be quiet!" I am not sure how she continued to sleep through the rest of Primary and into the class time but she did. I loved it!
I have never had a greater joy in my life than being a mother. I love everything about my life right now and am enjoying every moment. I may have my sleep deprivation moments but they are sooo worth every moment. My beautiful daughter has been so wonderful and Jeff and I are enjoying everything about her. When she sleeps I don't swaddle her because I love to see her little hands tucked up under her chin or when they stretch out above her head especially when I take her out of the car seat. She always stretches both hands above her head, arches her back, and brings her feet up as if she is sitting Indian Style.
Faith, I want you to know your parents love you so very much and you are the greatest joy we have ever known. Live up to your name. We have had so much faith in our lives that has brought us joy through all the hardships and you are one more testament to that. We love you!


The Eds said...

She looks older- but still tiny. Glad things are going well.