Saturday, October 17, 2009

One Year Down and Many More To Go!!

Jeff and I celebrated our first anniversary on October 4th and we went to Lava Hot Springs, Idaho for the weekend. It was the most relaxing vacation I have ever had and that even includes the cruises! I loved it!

The time was like non-existent in this very small town which shuts down every night by 9pm. However this dog would just sit on the top of this building's roof every day. I thought it was pretty funny.

We loved the hot springs. Your body becomes absolute mush when you get out of them. The temperatures range between 102 - 112 degrees. Whats amazing is that it was so hot in there that I would sit half out of the springs even though the temperature outside was in the 40's!!! But look what happened to my leg. You can see the line of red from where I was sitting in the water!

Yeah, I love this pic of Jeff's hair. Straight up!! Very sexy honey! ;)

My favorite part of the trip was staying at the bed and breakfast at the Lion Gate Manor. This older couple had this huge home built for this purpose and it was so elegant! They had themed rooms kind of like the Anniversary Inn but I loved this place even better. I couldn't have asked for anything better!

We stayed in the Medieval Room which I thought was the absolute best!! Look at the stone wallpaper that was textured. It was amazing! I loved the chair above but the bed was the best part of all! It was huge and well.. just look at it! My pics don't do it justice however!

Do you see the dragon head coming out of the wall holding the light. Isn't that awesome! I loved it! Made me feel like I was really living back in the King Henry VII period.

They let us take a tour of the Phantom of the Opera room. To get into the room you the bookcase in the dining room moves and you push back the curtain and go down this spiraling black staircase into the room. You walk across a deck where the water should be and you can see below they have this huge catacomb picture turned into wallpaper. It was awesome. They even had box 5 (the theater room) in there.

All in all, I am so happy to be married to a wonderful man and love him very much! We loved our vacation!


Mary said...

Happy 1 year anniversary! I love such relaxing get-a-way's. I've never been there. Looks like we'll have to try it.