Mid January Jeff and I went to the Jordan River temple. There in the Celestial Room I prayed to Heavenly Father that he might give Jeff and I a child. It was instantaneous that I received an answer right there in that very room. I will never forget it! I was told that we would have a child. I can't describe the feeling I had knowing that my Father in Heaven knew of my pain and that he answered my prayers right then and there.
Life then stopped and began for us all on the same day. It all began the last week of January two weeks after I had gone to the temple. I had a small inkling that this would be the month. I had stopped peeing on sticks every morning to determine the perfect time for ovulation. They never got us anywhere anyway. So that last Wednesday I began to open the pregnancy test and then decided against it. Jeff always says I get ahead of myself and think that I am when it turns out I'm not.
Well that Saturday I spotted so I assumed "well today is the day I'm supposed to start so I guess that's what it is" but the next day I wasn't bleeding at all so while Jeff was napping I went and pulled out my already half-opened pregnancy test. I peed on it and before the 3 minutes were up I had two lines showing a positive. I couldn't hide my smile. I walked out of the bathroom and smiled at Jeff waking him up to show him the test. He was so happy too although scared because of my high miscarriage rate.
I am now 6 weeks and 4 days and due on Oct 9th! I am so very excited about it and so is Jeff! We can't wait to welcome this new little one into our home!
Counting My Blessings- Faith
4 years ago